Sunday, May 22, 2011


Barcelona, wow what a whirlwind of a weekend. I went into this trip with zero expectations, not knowing anything and left with so much knowledge! I feel in love with Barc, I loved the half city half beachy vibe along with the incredible architecture by Gaudi. Deanna, Kat, Laurie, Dana, Kelly and Jenny all stayed with a few of our friends from Maryland. They showed us all the highlights of the city along with an amazing nightlife experience. When we first arrived our friend took us out to a little lunch place called Bo Da B located right by the beach. We all had these delicious salads with either chicken or salmon topped with a selection of salsas and a wide variety of fresh veggie toppings.  After our lunch we took  a walk down La Ramblas which is filled with shopping, performers and touristy attractions. Our friend then brought us to the la Boqueria. The bright colors and variety of fruits, vegetables, seafood, meats and candy is absolutely worth a visit! I have heard this is one of the best fresh food markets in all of Europe and I wouldn’t doubt that for a second! 

After only getting a few hours of sleep waking up and starting our day on Saturday was somewhat of a struggle. But, we pushed through our tiredness and hoped on the metro to see Sagrada Familia which was designed and constructed by the famous architect Gaudi. I was really in shock to see the detail that went into this church. I found out that he died mid construction and the expected finish date of the church is in 2026. Oddly enough, the castle sort of reminded me of a sand castle made from drops of wet sand. After being completely stunned by the church we headed to park Guale to see another one of Gaudi’s masterpieces. This park was so magical to me, and I felt like a child that had just entered candy land. The colorful mosaics all around the park and the view of the entire city made us mesmerized for hours. I was so amazed by Gaudi’s work that the boys took us to see Casa Batllo which is an interesting and usual house. The building appeared to be adorned with skulls and bones and the roof resembled fish scales in the most beautiful oceanic blue shades.

Later that night we went to a luxurious, exotic oriental restaurant called Monk. All of the Maryland boys met up with us girls there and we enjoyed fun cocktails, ( I got a Mojito Champaign) and an amazing mediteranean/ asian fusion dinner! My trip to Barcelona really made me realize how the little things in life really make me the happiest. I realized how appreciative I should be and how fortunate I am to be experiencing such amazing things! 

Amazing salmon salad at Bo de b!


La Bouqueteria

Park Guell

Laurie and I at the top of the park

Park Guell entrance

Salmon with spinach and citrus
Jenny, Kat, Kelly and I 

Casa Batllo, so gorgeous!
Sagrada Familia

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