Saturday, June 4, 2011

Study Abroad: Impacting my Future

Studying in Italy has essentially guided me towards my goal of being successful in the future. This program helped me to learn not only the language, but the culture of the people as well and how Italy differs from the United States. In order to be successful in any occupation, you have to know how to attract and connect with all types of people. Knowing different languages and customs will contribute to my future success in my future job. I have learned so much just from daily day to day interactions and traveling throughout Europe that has made me learn and has shaped me into a well-rounded individual. Exposing myself to a culture that I was not familiar with really made me grow up and become more responsible and independent.

The past four months have really been an eye opener. It has changed me and has made me a much more open-minded individual. This is very beneficial in the working world because you need to be able to adapt to different co-workers and bosses personalities and working styles. I have become a much more critical thinker since being abroad and I think this will help me be able to analyze difficult situations in the future. All in all this experience has greatly impacted my personal, educational and professional future. I have come to realize that studying abroad is all about studying yourself and finding out so much about you. I am eternally grateful to all my friends and family members who encouraged me to study abroad because I would not be the person I am today if it was not for this experience.

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