Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thoughts about departing

As the days dwindle down before my flight back home to New Jersey, I am filled with this bittersweet feeling that is so hard to describe unless you were in my position. I cannot explain how excited I am to see my family, my dog, and my friends, take a long hot shower and enjoy the things I love about home. But, at the same time there is a huge part of me that does not want to leave. I am constantly reflecting upon my time abroad and am truly amazed how much I have learned and experienced as well as all the places and amazing things I have seen. I can wholeheartedly say that studying abroad has changed me outlook on just about…everything. I have become so much more independent and have such a strong drive and passion for life. Being immersed in a foreign culture that speaks a different language completely has shaped my personality and has given me the best life lessons and memories that I will remember forever.
Once I am home I know that I am going to miss how much Rome, as a city has to offer. After being here for four months I still cannot believe how much there is to explore and learn within this beautiful historical center. I am sure that when I go home I am going to be looking for fun adventures to embark on to keep me occupied. Being abroad made me gain a totally new insight on what respect really is. By studying abroad I have completely expanded my horizons and have learned to not only embrace but to also admire the culture here in Rome. I plan to take this new level of respect back to Maryland and really utilize my new sense of patience and understanding that I have acquired. Furthermore, abroad has made me enjoy the simple things in life. I think this is something that people need a little more of this in their lives. Back at home the lifestyle is so crazed and fast paced that people do not have time to really reflect on things. I hope to reopen my family and friends eyes and allow them to live through my experiences abroad. All in all, I would recommend anyone to study abroad. It is a once in a lifetime experience that you will never forget!

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