Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fitting In

While living abroad in a foreign country I have come to understand that even the simplest tasks can become the greatest endeavors. I do not think I was prepared for all the experiences abroad; however, I truly enjoy the culture shocks I have been experiencing and I think the best way to deal with it is to laugh at yourself and to always keep on going. The physical adjustments did not come easy to me at first. It took me an entire week to figure out how to buy envelopes, stamps, and mail letters home. I have no idea why such a simple task took me so long, but after multiple attempts I finally succeed. I have noticed that happens a lot with me. Getting used to the obvious differences in Italian culture is trial and error. Patience is absolutely necessary for daily chores, such as grocery shopping, ordering a sandwich, or finding your way to a new place. There are times when I still end up paying more than I know I should of at the store because I am not familiar with brands and products. Furthermore, I still have a hard time understanding that you do not tip people here. Being a waitress for many years I find it almost rude to leave a restaurant without tipping. Though, this is where the social adjustment comes into play. I am gradually beginning to understand and acknowledge the host country’s values. I finally understand that Italians are waiters for a lifetime and it is a profession they hold with high regard.

On top of the Duomo in Florence


Amazing dinners in Rome

Mozzarella and Prosciutto 

Typical Roman Cuisine: Fried artichokes and fried zucchini flowers

Bucatini Amatriciana (left) Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms (right)

Although I have made an attempt to integrate my culture and the Italian culture there are still times that I am confused and frustrated. I sometimes find that the things that come so easy to me in my host culture are so difficult to accomplish here. But, I have learned some remedies and solutions to help me ease this discomfort and stress. I pay attention to what the people around me are doing, I try to set all my assumptions and values aside, and I try to look for logical reasons why things happen.

I also want to go beyond adjusting on the surface level. Of course I want to appear to fit in to the culture from the eyes of an outsider, but I think what’s more important is to make an effort to adapt and make an internal adjustment. I am trying to avoid surrounding myself with familiar things that “re-create home.” It was very difficult for me to make the decision to go abroad in the first place and now that I am here I feel that I need to experience everything I can and take in new aspects of the culture. When I return home I hope to be more knowledgeable and culturally inspired in order to help me with all my future endeavors.

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